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Engaging in gossip can be provocative, addictive, and entertaining for a second, until you realize that you are actually hurting someone.  When talking about other peoples’ private lives–their faults or their failings–without their approval or knowledge, we are gossiping about them.  Making fun of someone face-to-face or behind their back is negative and destructive to ourselves and others.
When we are gossiping behind someone’s back they do not have the opportunity to defend themselves. And while we’re engaging in gossip, we are telling those around us that we lack self-confidence and that we have low-self-esteem.

When talking about another person or persons we are missing out on the opportunity to focus on ourselves. If we are willing to take a look at the issues that we are mocking or criticizing others about, it is usually an issue that needs our attention.
Gossiping reveals that we are actually out of balance with ourselves. Energy work can help you to stay focused on a positive emotional, spiritual, and physical path to a healthy outlook, greater self-knowledge and balance in our daily life.