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In our humbling experiences we birth gratitude.

Do you awake in the morning with thoughts of gratitude? If you don’t, it might be time to think about all the life experiences you can be grateful for.

We are humbled through our life experiences. Humility and gratitude are perfect partners. Sometimes difficult experiences are presented to us and we feel we’re not equipped to handle challenging those relationships and situations. We can feel lost or not worthy. Our sense of self is trampled on and we feel alone and deceived by others. We search for answers. But difficult experiences can lead to a deeper sense of self.

When we work through difficult life challenges, we are humbled and living our truth—not the life plan we think makes us look good to the outside world. We meet humility when we take on the challenges and walk the painful journey of self-discovery. It is through humility that we learn gratitude.

The painful journey of self-discovery can also lead us to the divine. I do not think that we can get to a higher sense of self without the belief in a higher power—a power greater than ourselves—whatever that may mean to you. And I also believe that we need to experience the challenges that allow us to take that journey. And as we reach that place, we arrive in gratitude. When we are practicing humility and when we are in a state of gratitude we are building the foundation of self-love.