The Camino de Santiago–a Series (4)
Our journey walking through the Pyrenees began with challenges. We found ourselves climbing through thick mud and the weather became unpredictable, with cool, misty rain and unexpectedly sudden warmth. I would remove my rain jacket and within minutes a sharp wind appeared and I would feel cold again. I was continuously fussing with my jacket, walking…
continue reading >>The Camino de Santiago–a Series (3)
We found our way to the hotel Casa Etxezuria, a beautiful 19th century Spanish villa in Valcarlos-Luzaide, and were greeted by the owners with the surprising news that our luggage had arrived! We settled into our room and lounged on the terrace throughout the day, with the beautiful sight of grazing cows in lush meadows…
continue reading >>The Camino de Santiago—a Series (2)
We arrived in Biarritz, France and found our driver waiting to take us to Saint Jean Pied de Port. Our luggage, unfortunately, did not arrive with us. The otherwise patient driver was outwardly upset. After two hours of paperwork with the airline, we began to understand his annoyance—he had experienced this before. Tom too…
continue reading >>The Camino de Santiago-a Series
The weeks before our second walk of the Camino de Santiago, I began contemplating on what I would like to work on. It was not surprising that forgiveness emerged. Forgiveness comes in many layers, and I felt encouraged to work on going deeper. To my surprise, other issues began surfacing. Acceptance also appeared… My husband,…
continue reading >>The balancing act
Energy Magazine supports energy medicine and publishes articles written by intuitive healers. I am thrilled to announce that my article, “The Balancing Act”, is featured in this month’s publication of Energy Magazine on pages 42 and 43. Please enjoy the articles in Energy Magazine. I hope you find the information interesting and that…
continue reading >>The teacher, Leo, the horse
Thank you so much for your response from my previous newsletter—my lesson with Leo. We can either, respond to, and learn from, the lessons presented or we can simply ignore them. When ignored, they tend to appear over and over again until we finally open up to understanding how they impact us—physically, emotionally and…
continue reading >>My lesson with Leo
Self-reflection—whether psychotherapy, energy work, acupuncture, equine therapy or other modalities of therapy—is about self-love, the letting go of fear, and of stepping into courage. I am told that I hold a safe, loving space for my clients and recently a horse owner and trainer held that same beautiful space for me. Some of you know…
continue reading >>The connection
Do you have a mindful practice? Would you consider a daily practice of prayer, meditation or a focus that allows you to go inside? Along with it being spiritually fulfilling, it can also make a huge difference in your life. A mindful practice will encourage you to keep focused on the here and now. Staying…
continue reading >>Communication
Is your communication clear and direct? If someone invites you to lunch or an event, how do you respond? Do you say, “yes”, I think that might work”, or do you say “let me get back to you” or “yes”, that works for me”. Whatever your response may be, I would like you to think…
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