Saying “Yes” to An Invitation
As a first time author I am thrilled to share “An Invitation to Change Through Energy Healing”. The publishing of my book took me on an unexpected journey of obstacles, invitations and revelations. Often the obstacles seemed unsurmountable—I even questioned the decision to publish the book. Once written, I found myself overwhelmed by the unfamiliar process of self-publishing.…
continue reading >>Vulnerability
Expressing our vulnerabilities is not easy– it takes courage and it is a choice we make. We may feel uneasy and uncertain, it is important to let go of our fears. For example, if you are learning a new skill or are at a new job, it is important to give yourself permission to make mistakes. We learn from…
continue reading >>Gossip
Engaging in gossip can be provocative, addictive, and entertaining for a second, until you realize that you are actually hurting someone. When talking about other peoples’ private lives–their faults or their failings–without their approval or knowledge, we are gossiping about them. Making fun of someone face-to-face or behind their back is negative and destructive to ourselves…
continue reading >>The lessons
A new day, a new opportunity, a new lesson. The lessons are necessary in order to continue on the path of self-growth. We may not always get it right the first time, therefore it is important to be open to the opportunities that get presented. The opportunities will lead us to the lessons. Give yourself…
continue reading >>Inner work
As we age, our lack of “inner work” becomes apparent in our interactions with people. Conversations with others are propelled by our weak egos. There is no room for exchange. Interactions that serve as conversations are merely about accomplishments, embellishments, or boasting; they are about the self, which serves the weak ego. There is no…
continue reading >>Getting stuck on your story
Do you ever find yourself getting stuck on a personal story? It keeps rolling around and around in your head, eventually taking on a life of its own as it rolls off your tongue –engaging everyone in your drama. It is usually the type of story in which someone has slighted you or done something…
continue reading >>Walking the camino part three
In my earlier reflections of my Camino journey, I wrote about having walked through what I call inner and outer storms for several days. Then one day I realized that the grieving had stopped. I noticed that my emotional self had become calm. My inner perspective, my awareness had become clearer. I noticed that my…
continue reading >>Walking the camino part two
Circumstances and conditions I experienced during my first day of walking the Camino became metaphors in my view–metaphors that became very clear to me on the second day. The wind and rain had been relentless. I needed the wind to chase away the grief, and I needed the rain to wash the sadness away. It…
continue reading >>Walking the camino
The “walk” to Santiago in Spain was such a powerful experience in so many ways, on so many levels. It was a beautiful inner journey of discovery. Two days before I began the walk I started to experience waves of grief. It was a surprise– I was shocked that such deep personal feelings surfaced. These…
continue reading >>The walk
Later this month I will be walking a part of the Camino de Santiago–The Way of St. James–in Spain. Legend has it that The Apostle St. James’ remains are buried in Santiago. Those who walk the Camino, these “pilgrims,” come from all over the world and from many faiths. For centuries they have thoughtfully walked…
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