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The Camino de Santiago–a Series (6)

This day in particular was filled with bridges, more trails over the rocky terrain—and healing. I wondered about the metaphor of the bridges as I walked. Did they represent personal crossings in my past or the ones still in my future?
Off in the distance and along a mountain ridge, we could see a row of windmills. To our surprise, the trail led us to them. We felt a sense of momentary accomplishment—until we realized we were only at the halfway point of our day’s arduous 20 mile walk. 
I have not mentioned my injured ankle in recent postings. Choosing to not focus on the negative had been rewarded. My sore and swollen ankle was now only swollen. At every rest stop, removing my shoes, wrapping my ankle in soft mole skin and resting my feet, aided in the healing process. When as we reached our hotel that night, my feet, and especially the soles of my feet, hurt more than usual. 
As we headed out the door to explore the town and find a restaurant, I held on to Tom’s arm. We unexpectedly came across an old Catholic Church. Resting in the pew, I connected to my spiritual guidance and asked for a healing of my sore and very achy feet. 
We left the church and I turned to Tom. “Do you remember me holding on to you before entering the church?” It was as if I needed a confirmation from him, which he gave. I spoke about the healing I had asked for and how subsequently my feet did not hurt any longer. As we continued our walk, I thought to myself, my belief in healing of the mind, body and spirit was confirmed.
That night, I reflected on the many bridges we had crossed that day. Did I cross another bridge into the Divine with the healing of my ankle and feet?
I didn’t give it another thought until I returned home and reflected on all the spiritual gifts we received along the Camino. The healing of my ankle and feet was just one of the many.
I shared my experiences of the Camino with a friend—he too had experienced healings on his spiritual pilgrimages. My friend also confirmed that “yes” I had crossed another bridge into the Divine. I felt grateful for the confirmation from my dear friend.