Were you ever bullied as a child or as an adult?
Most of us tuck the memories and associated traumas from abuse deep down inside our psyches. Our bodies and our minds absorb and store the memories.
Imagine a big storage locker filled with the painful memories of trauma/bullying from abuse—verbal or physical. When trauma is stored in our bodies it often causes dis-ease. And when trauma is stored in our minds, emotional discomforts as anxiety, depression and other emotional issues take hold.
Do you have a physical dis-ease or are you suffering from emotional issues? Can you identify the source? Did these questions trigger a response that made you question whether trauma from bullying was stored in your body or mind?
Our bodies and our minds do not lie to us. It is never too late to release the trauma and stored memories that are causing physical or emotional pain. Energy work can guide you to recognize, acknowledge, and release stored trauma. I can support you to release what is no longer working for you so that you can live a happy and healthy life.